AssetWise CONNECT Edition Help

To Purge a Responsibility Matrix

You can purge a responsibility matrix, to remove it from the system. Purging a responsibility matrix deletes it completely from AssetWise CONNECT Edition.

You can also use an EQL statement to efficiently and automatically filter specific records in the matrix that you want to remove. This is particularly useful if you have a large amount of data that you want to delete from a responsibility matrix.

Follow these steps to purge all or part of a responsibility matrix.

  1. Open the responsibility matrix that you want to purge.
  2. From the Object menu, select Purge matrix.
    The Purge Matrix dialog appears.
  3. If you only want to purge specific records in a responsibility matrix, then enter a valid EQL filter statement in the box provided.
  4. When finished, click Purge matrix.
All or part of the responsibility matrix is purged, depending on your selection.